HTPs Weightlifter | Jenny Arthur
AWESOME! to put it in a word. Jenny Lynette Arthur - how many ways can Hitechplates show our appreciation? Well, let's take a look.
There is no end to the creativity, and it continues to be quite an ever evolving and fun culminating in RIO!
We offer creative ideas to help athletes and push forces that circulate awareness of this Sport we love so passionately!
The Jenny Towel...
The Jenny Calendar...
The Jenny T-Shirt Rio 2016 b/w ... looks best in grey, that is true Jenny...ha!
The Jenny Technik Banner ...this puzzle is featured in HTPs new Apple Itunes App!!!!
The Jenny "Best Mode" Puzzle (board)...very nice when mounted...up to 2000 pc available...
and there is much more all new, weightlifting, promotional and trendy ideas ....